"I'm a junkie. I'm an N.T. Wright junkie. I can think of no scholar of the New Testament who's helped me better understand what its authors experienced and what they call us to do than Professor Wright." - Judge Thomas Griffith, (ret.), U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit

In June, at the N.T. Wright Intensive in Houston, Texas, the Kaine Ktisis Foundation (Greek for "new creation," a common theme in Prof. Wright's work) hosted a dinner and meet-up of LDS scholars and members with Professor N. T. Wright, the renowned New Testament scholar, considered the "C.S. Lewis of our day." (You can read a write-up of the event in "Q&A: What Anglican theologian N.T. Wright says about the Bible and interfaith relations" by Tad Walch of the Deseret News).

The meeting's purpose was singular and paramount: to build an interfaith bridge between the LDS community, Professor Wright, and his hosting ministry, the Wisconsin Center for Christian Study (WCCS/Admirato). The meet-up was a resounding success and opened a path for new opportunities and collaboration. It was groundbreaking, as previous attempts by others to engage with Professor Wright, including noted LDS scholars, didn't work out or he just wasn't interested. But, in this case, the format, venue, and number of critical attendees (and divine guidance mixed in) made the difference!

In addition to hosting the meet-up, the Foundation made a significant pledge to WCCS to support their mission. (For an example of the wonderful material they produce, see the new video series by Professor Wright called "Reading the Images.") This pledge reinforces that we, as an LDS community, are deeply interested in his extraordinary contributions to a greater understanding of Jesus Christ and his mission, other key theological topics (the Abrahamic covenant, temple, justification, resurrection, scripture, early Church/Christianity, Pauline studies, etc.), and responsible biblical interpretation--all items of vital importance to us.

Other projects the Foundation is planning in the near future are:

  • Facilitate Prof. Wright speaking at a BYU Forum Devotional in 2025.
  • Sponsor an NT Wright-LDS community or scholarly conference in 2025/2026.
  • Commission a set of essays or journal articles exploring the intersection of LDS theology and doctrine with the scholarly work of NT Wright.
  • Sponsor or facilitate appearances by NT Wright on LDS-oriented podcasts and other media.
  • Make NT Wright educational materials from Admirato/WCCS available to the LDS community.
  • Provide an "Intensive"-like event or experience for LDS members.

To this end, we are fundraising $30,000 to cover the initial WCCS grant and provide additional funds for these additional initiatives.
 (This is in addition to personal funds that I have already provided and will provide in the future.)

I am asking for a one-time donation. Future fundraising, if needed, will be accomplished through other means. Donors contributing $2,500 or more will be deemed "New Creation" donors. As a New Creation donor, I will periodically update you on developments with Professor Wright and the LDS community and Church and do whatever I can to provide you with access and unique opportunities to events and interactions with Professor Wright. By lending your support, you will have helped the greatest, faithful Biblical scholar of the past half-century benefit and bless our LDS faith and community.

While any contribution will be accepted and appreciated, I recommend the "New Creation Fellow" level of $5,000 or more for maximum impact.

So, would you help? Perhaps, as a fellow N.T. Wright "junkie" yourself, you could provide tax deductible financial support to this unique, once-in-a-lifetime initiative?


For more information or further clarification about this unique opportunity and why it is so important, feel free to reach out to me at 801-762-7793 or


Much thanks to you and my gratitude for our association.


John Esser, Founder and Executive Director
Kaine Ktisis Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation

Dedicated to the intersection of N.T. Wright scholarship and LDS faith, doctrine, and praxis